Author: Rose Viviano

  1. Greta Zarro is Organizing Director for World BEYOND War. She has a background in issue-based community organizing. Her experience includes volunteer recruitment and engagement, event organizing, coalition building, legislative and media outreach, and public speaking. Greta graduated as valedictorian from St. Michael’s College with a…

  2. American women have been victims of governmental authorities who, through time, have defined women dissenters as political enemies. From the 19th century on, American women have protested against their government, a government which is undemocratic, militaristic, patriarchal, racist and mercenary. It is time to acknowledge,…

  3. ALL THE KINGS MEN (1949) Directed by Robert Rossen with Broderick Crawford, John Ireland and Mercedes McCambridge Based on the Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Robert Penn Warren, All the Kings Men takes a blistering look at the rise of politician Willie Stark, from idealistic farmer…

  4. The Syracuse International Film Festival presents a screening of Words from a Bear,  a documentary by local filmmaker Jeffrey Palmer. Free to the Public.  Refreshments will be served. Words from a Bear examines the enigmatic life and mind of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Navarro Scott Momaday (pictured…

  5. Funded by Humanities New York and facilitated by Dr. Patricia E. Clark, ArtRage will offer a 5-week reading and discussion group on the writings of James Baldwin, free of charge to the first 15 people who register by email.  The group runs every Thursday from…