Month: September 2017

  1. 1972 was an extraordinary year. Richard Nixon was president, running for his second, ill-fated term.  The Vietnam War was in full swing, as were anti-war protests, a burgeoning women’s movement, and the rise of the Black Panther Party. Into the center of this maelstrom —…

  2. BUTTER BODY POLITIC (2017) is Jessica Posner’s first performance film. In this experimental film, Posner frames butter as a metaphor for the body politic, and offers alternative modes for being with ourselves and each other in times of political precarity. In the Butter Body Politic,…

  3. Sally Roesch Wagner will lead a story-telling presentation about this important part of the history of our region. Imagine that women have the right to choose all political representatives, removing from office anyone who doesn’t make wise decisions for the future. Living in a world…

  4. The League of Women Voters of Syracuse Invites you to a Members and Friends Reception The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization encouraging the active participation of citizens in government through voter service and advocacy. The Syracuse chapter was founded in 1920.  The…

  5. Join us at ArtRage this fall as we hold an event series in honor of the 100th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in NYS. The Suffrage Centennial offers us a time to look back and reflect on the accomplishments women have made and challenges they have…