Socialist Forum: Moving Beyond Obamacare

February 6, 2014 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Are we ready to move beyond Obamacare?

Andy Coates is a physican, teaches at Albany Medical College, and is president of Physicians for a National Health Program. He will speak at the Socialist Forum at the  ArtRage Gallery sponsored by the CNY Reds.  The topic is Beyond Obamacare — the how and why of the Single Payer imperative.

Andy Coates will take us beyond the myths and misinformation that characterize the current debate over health care and will shed light on the path ahead.   Please invite your friends, co-workers and comrades.  Free to the Public.

Who are the CNY Reds?

We are a local organization of socialists who get together to educate, agitate and organize to build a socialist movement. We share core values and goals, but we come from many political backgrounds including radical labor, the greens, radical feminism, the civil rights movement, anarchism, religious socialism, sewer socialism, pacifism, and revolution for the hell of it.

As socialists, we work to build a new society based on peace, cooperation, equality, decentralized social ownership and radical democracy.

We are affiliated with the Socialist Party, USA – the old SP whose members have included Eugene V. Debs, Mother Jones, Upton Sinclair, Margaret Sanger, W.E.B. DuBois, Helen Keller, Kate Richards O’Hare, A. Philip Randolph, Norman Thomas, Frank Zeidler, Sr. Diane Drufenbrock and Allen Ginsberg. The SP is a “multi-tendency” party committed to core values of socialism, equality, and democracy, and united by shared principles. These principles are at