Gifford What If? Film Series – TRUCK FARM

November 13, 2012 - 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

TRUCK FARM 2011 (48min)
Directed by Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney

Somewhere on the streets of Brooklyn, New York, a tiny farmon-wheels is growing in the back of a 1986 Dodge pick-up truck. Filmmaker Ian Cheney planted his truck farm in 2009 after moving to New York City and realizing there was no space to grow food.

The 1/1000th acre farm started as an experiment, using rooftop farming irrigation techniques to grow a variety of plants including parsley, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, and basil. The miniature yield is not enough to support large-scale consumption; however, the truck farm serves as a portable educational tool for urban students and a tribute to edible innovation. In just two years, the original project has
expanded into 25 mobile truck farms across the country. Each truck in this “Truck Farm Fleet” is unique, but together this moving force is teaching people that growing food can be fun, easy, and rewardingdespite a scarcity of land.

In a year long collaboration with the Rosamond Gifford Foundation, ArtRage Gallery will screen six films depicting community efforts to improve their communities and the world. The fall series of three films focusing on food issues will begin in September and run thru November 2012. Films were selected by a committee of community members and are shown twice at different days and times followed by a facilitated discussion. All films are free to the public. No reservation is required.

Partnering organizations for the fall “What If…” Film Series: Alchemical Nursery, Bread and Roses Collective, Eat to Live Food Cooperative: The Southside Food Co-op Project, Slow Food CNY, Syracuse Grows, Syracuse Real Food Co-op.