Beyond Survival: Exploring Healing and Wellness from the Violence and Soul-Stealing Wounds of Racism. A Workshop with Roslyn Rasberry

January 13, 2019 - 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

                 “The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters You” –   Rumi  

Racism/Oppression is Trauma. Period. It leaves in its wake fractured bodies, minds, lives and communities. No one escapes, perpetrator or victim. Generation to generation.

Many of us are daily, walking-wounded and the truth of the link between original and modern-day slavery and the prevalence of mental health issues in communities of color still go unacknowledged.

This workshop is an experience, a forum for both people of color and allies to gather in safe and sacred space to breathe and to begin the “truth-telling” that may set us free. We will take a meditative journey, listen in reverence to each other, conjure and sit with the wisdom of our deeper selves. We will also learn a new coping skill, explore inner pathways to our own liberation and, hopefully, leave not only feeling more renewed but with a better sense of how to enlist soul-based outcomes to assist in the healing of self and community.

Please RSVP for this free workshop by emailing or calling at 315-218-5711. Please include your name, email and phone number. Limited Space Available.

This workshop is in connection with the current exhibition. STITCHING STORIES: Thread, Needle, Narrative. The Quilts of Ellen M. Blalock and designed to further the conversation in the themes addressed in Ellen M. Blalock’s work.

Roslyn Rasberry is a Transformational Speaker, Guide and Coach and the founder of Vital Change. Her work facilitates and encourages the reconnection to and recovery of our deeper selves and of our deeper humanity. Prominent themes are those of “Authentic Being/Authentic Power”, cultivating “Conscious Humanity” &  Sacred Activism.