ArtRage Past & Present: A Virtual Group Exhibition

May 26, 2020 to July 15, 2020

ArtRage has been closed to the public for over two months and we are deeply missing our friends, volunteers and supporters along with the social interactions at gallery openings, lectures, films and other events here at ArtRage.

This tumultuous period of social distancing, isolation, quarantine, cancellations, and closures is having an immense impact on the art community and society at large. As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, non-essential businesses have shuttered and most people are forced to self-isolate at home. While we are, justifiably, primarily concerned for our lives and the lives of our friends, family, health care and all essential workers, we are already beginning to see how these changes in our daily lives are shifting the work of artists.

ArtRage Past & Present is a collection of work from artists who have either exhibited at Artrage over the last twelve years or have been on our list to exhibit. We reached out to our community of artists to invite them to share a recent work or project with our ArtRage community. Art has power. Art can heal, inform, amaze and empower. AND art can bring us together even while we are apart. We hope this virtual exhibition will inspire us all to stay strong, safe, and united. We hope you enjoy the show!

View the Exhibition