FROM THE GROUND UP: Economic Growth Powered by Community Strengths

October 16, 2017 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

The Gifford Foundation “What If…” Film Series Presents
Short Films & Discussion in partnership with
the Urban Jobs Task Force

NOTE: This event will occur at Southwest Community Center,  401 South Ave.


When a community is devastated by destructive social forces or strangulated by economic disinvestment, its people must rely on their strengths to rebuild. Every community has ingenuity, determination, and an ability to work together. These are strengths. Through film clips that study the devastation of America’s “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Syracuse’s 15th Ward, followed by a presentation from PUSH Buffalo about the grassroots organizing that has revitalized our sister city, we will learn and talk about how determination, creativity, and cooperation can lead to economic re-investment, resilience and sustainability.

 Urban Jobs Task Force will facilitate a conversation to explore and understand what it means to rebuild a community “From the Ground Up”.